Ten questions to ask before you buy a house

Questions that a potential buyer needs to answer before he takes the plunge. Don’t get us wrong. We don’t want to shatter your dreams to own a house. We just want you to take a reality check. Your answers will tell whether you are in a position to buy and if real estate is indeed the best investment option for you. If most of them are answered in a ‘no’, take a step back and revisit your plans. You may decide to save more for a bigger down payment, buy a smaller house, invest in a cheaper city. Can you afford the home loan EMI? It might sound a no-brainer, but many home buyers get this wrong and bite off more than they can chew. The home loan EMI should be around 40% of your net household income. But that is if you don’t have other loans. A high EMI outgo can put your household budget under pressure. If the home loan EMI accounts for more than 50% of the net household income, other goals will have to be downsized or junked altogether. Banks have their own method...